Oil Changes and Your Car

Oil Changes and Your Car

Your body needs blood to survive, and your automobile needs oil to survive. Blood circulates through your body nourishing cells; oil circulates through your automobile engine nourishing parts. Problems with either of these life-saving fluids can cause illness and death, so why do people put off annual physicals and oil changes? We’re not doctors, so let’s zero in on oil changes and your car. Del Hatt Automotive is going to break down the importance of this service below.

Oil 101

Motor oil has several functions. It lubricates engine parts to reduce the friction and heat between them. It also draws heat away from the engine to help the coolant prevent it from overheating. Motor oil breaks down engine debris and carries it away from moving parts, and it protects engine parts from corrosion, wear, and tear. Without oil, your engine parts will overheat, seize, and destroy the engine.

There are four types of motor oil on the market: conventional, high-mileage, synthetic blend, or full synthetic. Conventional oil is more organic in its manufacturing, whereas high-mileage and synthetic oils are partially manmade. Which oil is better for your car depends on your vehicle’s manufacturer – what it recommends. Driving conditions, climate, and your vehicle’s age can also determine the best motor oil.

Oil Change 101

Your vehicle’s manufacturer will recommend the correct oil type and weight for your vehicle, and it’s a good idea to stick to that barring any special circumstances. Your engine size determines how many quarts of oil your automobile takes, but generally, an engine takes 5 quarts of oil if it’s a four-cylinder engine and 6 quarts if it has six cylinders. Again, check your owner’s manual for the exact amount.

Oil changes are crucial to your vehicle’s engine life because oil gets dirty fast due to its function. As we said above, oil draws debris away from the engine but has no place to deposit the debris. As such, your vehicle’s motor oil gets dirty within 3,000 miles of driving, which is why the general rule of thumb for oil changes is every 3,000 miles. If you haven’t driven 3,000 miles in six months, have the oil changed then.

If your vehicle’s manufacturer recommends synthetic oil, you can go longer between oil changes but should still have the synthetic oil changed at the recommended milestone, i.e. every 7,500 miles, for example. Del Hatt Automotive in Poughkeepsie, NY, can keep your automobile’s oil fresh and ready to do its job. Contact us to schedule an appointment or stop by our shop today.

Photo by Liorpt from Getty Images Pro via Canva Pro

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