Signs My SUV’s Radiator Is Bad

We can help if the radiator in your SUV has gone bad. We are a full-service auto shop. We can take care of your SUV to make sure it is always safe, efficient, and reliable. If you service the cooling system every 30,000 miles, the radiator will last longer. On average, radiators last from eight years to 10 years. We are going to list below the signs that the radiator is bad in your SUV.

What the Radiator Does

Let’s talk about the radiator first. The radiator is located in front of the engine directly behind the grille. This location is key to the radiator’s functionality because it utilizes the air that flows in through the grille. The radiator stores the engine coolant until it circulates through the engine. Then, the radiator takes the coolant back so it can reduce its temperature before it circulates through the engine again.

In order to cool off the coolant, the radiator has air inlets and a fan that work in tandem to reduce the coolant temperature. You need cold coolant circulating through the engine in order to draw heat away from it. The radiator is made of metal, and it has an overflow reservoir that is made of plastic. The radiator can be dangerous if your engine is overheating. The radiator cap can explode.

Signs the Radiator Is Bad

If your engine is overheating, this is a sign that the radiator in the SUV is bad. Pull over and turn off the engine. Do not pop the hood or attempt to unscrew the radiator cap until the engine has cooled completely. Because the cap can explode, you could end up with scorching coolant spraying all over your body. This can cause third-degree burns. Overheating is just one sign that the radiator has gone bad.

The radiator may also start to leak engine coolant if it is going bad. Usually, the leak is caused by corrosion eating through the bottom of the radiator. You may be able to tell that the radiator is corroded because the coolant will turn orange. In fact, if you look closely, you may see rust flakes in the coolant. A corroded radiator is a bad radiator because it introduces corrosion to the cooling system.

In addition, another sign that your radiator is bad and needs to be replaced is clogged air inlets. The inlets can also get damaged by road debris. If you are having any of these problems, call our shop right away to schedule a service appointment for a cooling system inspection.

Photo by thitimon toyai from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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