How Many Miles Will I Get Out of My Car’s Water Pump?
Del Hatt Automotive
January 1, 2022
The factory-installed water pump will last much longer than you might think if you take care of your automobile. The average lifespan of a water

An Illuminated Brake Light Is a Sign of Brake Trouble
Del Hatt Automotive
December 15, 2021
When you first start your car, truck, or utility vehicle, your Brake and ABS lights will turn on briefly. The Brake light will also turn

A Dead Battery Can Be Caused By a Dying Alternator
Del Hatt Automotive
December 1, 2021
You probably already know this, but the alternator keeps the battery charged. As the battery discharges, the alternator generates voltage and sends it over to

A Dirty Mass Airflow Sensor Can Make Your Engine Surge or Hesitate
Del Hatt Automotive
November 15, 2021
If your engine has been surging or hesitating lately, it’s possible that the mass airflow (MAF) sensor is too dirty. Del Hatt Automotive advises that

What Happens When the Oxygen Sensor Goes Bad?
Del Hatt Automotive
November 1, 2021
A handful of things will happen if your oxygen (O2) sensor goes bad. We are going to list the signs of a faulty O2 sensor