Crank Up the RV One Last Time This Summer
Del Hatt Automotive
August 1, 2021
Can you believe it’s already August? It’s time to crank up the RV one more time for a quick summer trip that the entire family

Is It Cool For Me To Drive On Empty?
Del Hatt Automotive
July 15, 2021
We have all been guilty of it at some point or another – you had a long day and your gas tank is almost empty.

Before July 4, Make Sure Your Car Is Road Ready
Del Hatt Automotive
July 1, 2021
This year’s July 4 holiday is set to be a monumental one. After last year, when a global pandemic all but canceled the festivities, people

Signs My Car’s Starter Has Gone Bad
Del Hatt Automotive
June 15, 2021
The starter is your car engine’s Mini-Me. It’s a tiny motor that helps get your vehicle started. Starters are durable; they can last up to

I Can Hear Hissing Sounds Coming From My Car’s Engine
Del Hatt Automotive
May 15, 2021
If your car’s engine is hissing all the time, you probably have a vacuum leak in one of the vacuum hoses. The sound may also