Seven Signs of a Bad Fuel Pump in Your Automobile
If you’ve got a bad fuel pump, your car, truck, or SUV’s engine is either not getting enough gas or getting too much gas. Things

Let’s Talk Turkey About Celebrating Thanksgiving in Your RV
It’s almost time for the long Thanksgiving weekend, and for many, this is the perfect weekend to camp. You can cook and eat a Thanksgiving

Dealer Alternative Auto Shops Will Not Void Your Extended Warranty
Del Hatt Automotive is a reliable and affordable alternative to dealer service departments. Our ASE-Certified, highly-trained, and experienced automotive service technicians can do a better

Oil Changes and Your Car
Your body needs blood to survive, and your automobile needs oil to survive. Blood circulates through your body nourishing cells; oil circulates through your automobile

Five Driving Habits That Will Mess Up Your Suspension
Every single one of us dreams of being a racecar driver. Pretending you’re one in your real car, however, can really cause some damage. You