Help! I’ve Got White Exhaust Flowing Out of My Tailpipe!
Del Hatt Automotive
April 15, 2021
Del Hatt Automotive warns that any excess exhaust flowing out of your car’s tailpipe is a sign of serious engine trouble; it doesn’t just have

Diesel Engine Problems We Can Fix Here at Del Hatt Automotive
Del Hatt Automotive
April 1, 2021
You rely on your diesel vehicle every day, and nothing can be more frustrating than dealing with engine problems. Thankfully, Del Hatt Automotive doesn’t just

Important Factory-Scheduled Services That Need to Be Done Now
Del Hatt Automotive
March 15, 2021
Spring is an excellent time for vehicle maintenance. Your automobile has survived winter, which can get pretty cold here in Poughkeepsie, New York, and it’s

How Can I Tell if My Car’s Brakes Are Overheating?
Del Hatt Automotive
March 1, 2021
Brakes that are overheating become dangerous hazards. If your vehicle’s brakes get too hot, you won’t be able to stop your automobile because the brakes

Why Is Your Windshield Damaged?
Del Hatt Automotive
February 15, 2021
Windshields tend to get taken for granted, but they help you to see clearly so that you can drive safely. They’re also pretty strong, so